The High Priest (Present as a couple)
The letter of the High Priest, on loving topics, tells us about a very strong, paternal and very warm love. It is also a letter that tells us that the relationships we have are well built and that both are looking for a way to go making them stronger based on affection, trust and dialogue.
For singles, this letter tells us that love will soon come into our lives. But, for this, we must be prepared to assume the role that we have. That is why we must begin to reflect on the life we want and compare it with the one we lead, so that we can see what it is that we must change so that this stable relationship that we seek so much reaches our lives.
The Star (Relationships as a couple)
Regarding intimacy, the Star's letter tells us about a lot of love, romanticism and tender moments. It tells us about relationships that are in a good moment in this regard, but also encourages us to continue looking for ways to enjoy of intimacy with the couple. In this way, it will be how we will ensure that the passion is never lost and the relationship is in the best of states.
As for singles, they may not have exactly what they would like to have, but they're not bad either. The best thing about this letter in this position is that it tells us that if we continue as we are, we will soon find what we are looking for. It is a letter that also encourages us to discover our strengths and weaknesses and learn about our bodies.
The Magician (Future as a couple)
As for the future of the couple, the Magician's letter tells us that it is a good time to follow through with the decisions we make. Everything will be much easier in the near future and we will feel that things are improving. Also, The changes that are to come will be most positive for both of them, and they will be able to enjoy both the love of the couple, as well as of the family, friends, etc. They will feel very complete.
In the case of singles, this letter tells them that the temporary or intimate relationships they may have had will not be the best for them and encourages them to continue enjoying them, but with an eye to find something that contributes to them. much more, something that gives them the stability and love they are looking for.