The Magician (love)
The Magician's letter can have both positive and negative meaning, and that is that when it comes to us in matters of love, it tells us that the solution to the problems or the answer we are looking for is in our hands. When this comes out letter is that we are in a situation of insecurity and we do not know what is better to do. They can be moments of doubts, jealousy or distance with the couple and all of them lead us to a situation of stagnation and nervousness that we must overcome. encourages us to think and meditate, we must believe in ourselves and take the time that is necessary in order to find this answer that worries us so much. Even if we think that we are going to make the wrong decision or that it is not the best thing, the Magician encourages us to follow our instincts, because somehow we know we are doing the best.
The Hanged Man (work)
The client who receives this letter in his readings is a person who has lost all motivation for the work and tasks he performs. This letter tells us about a great lack of motivation and personal problems that interfere with our performance in The labor level. The lack of communication with the bosses when it comes to obtaining benefits could be the cause of this situation of great lack of interest, but it is not in the hand of the client to solve these problems. He also tells us of bad relations with peers, as well as a need to feel important. The client must learn to trust him more.
Money is a matter that worries and will continue to worry the client a lot, because this letter tells us that great waste will be committed, which will then make us go wrong when it comes to dealing with the payments and bills that are going to come to us. It is recommended to control costs a lot at this time.
La Luna (health)
The Moon tells us about health problems, especially those related to the reproductive system in both men and women. It is important, therefore, to go to the doctor immediately so that he can check us up and tell us If we are right or wrong and what we should do. Being in this device, we must also say that it is a letter that warns us of the possibility of not being able to get pregnant if it is what the consultant was looking for, either on the male side or for the feminine.
On the other hand, this letter also warns us of the need to do some check-ups in general, since we have the possibility of falling back into diseases that we thought we had already overcome.