The Devil (love)
The Devil is the letter that represents the lowest instincts of people and, in love, tells us about very intense relationships but without feelings. When this letter comes out, it tells us that the client is a very ambitious and most interested who loves money, and this is what can make your personal relationships not go as they should. This is why these love relationships, if things don't change, are destined to end as soon as the intimacy of the first days disappears, so that they will not be the most stable relationships.
In the case of people who are single, this letter tells them that, if they continue to think about intimate relationships, money and their own interests, things will not go well for them and no matter how many relationships they try to achieve, they will continue always being a failure.
El Loco (work)
Work is something that we can have a lot of problems in and that is, for whatever reason, we are very distracted and we are not what we should be for. This is something that the superiors will not like very much and, we can be sure that our colleagues are going to use it for their benefits. In this sense, then, we must be clear that things must change if we want to keep this job.
As for money, there are no good omens, and everything that happens to us at work will have its consequences on the economy. But, the Fool's letter also tells us about documentation and investment problems, which encourages us to put everything in order.
Justice (health)
Regarding health, the letter of Justice tells us that we have done what we have done, it is something that has gone wonderfully for health. There is nothing that we should worry about in this aspect, because We are very healthy and there are no problems in sight. This letter tells us that we have found the necessary balance and that we must continue on the same path. Health is a matter of concern for the vast majority of consultants, but in In this case, there is not much to say.
However, it does speak to us of recommendations to keep in mind, both in health and in all aspects of life: we must be consistent with everything we start and not leave things halfway. It tells us about health and success, as long as we follow the line of good habits and do not enter a spiral of bad habits that could make us lose this state of health in which we find ourselves.