Work Tarot

Select 1 Card


Work is one of the most controversial areas of our life. In our early days, we received pressure from our families to launch into the world of work regardless of whether the position is for us or not.
Inertia is gaining ground and there comes a time when we no longer care about a vocation, but simply earn as much money as possible. However, it is curious how we convince ourselves that both things are not compatible: we must choose between vocation and money.

Did you know that tarot is the way for you to combine them both and find yourself again with your essence?
Discover the magic of tarot and make it work for your benefit. Surprise yourself by realizing that in terms of work, the best is yet to come.

Get ready for the reading
There are many issues that may be leading us to carry out a tarot consultation for work: vocation, search for the first job, unemployment, need for a job change and uncertainty, among many others.
The work tarot uses the same arcana as the Marseille tarot, but they have been previously analyzed by the tarot player to arrive at its pure meaning in the work environment.

To get the most benefit from them, focus on the issue you want to solve and ask the tarot how to do it, ask for their advice. Tackle issues one at a time and without asking ambiguous questions. Be direct and specific, and remember that you can ask as much as you want, so you have the possibility to ask a new question every time you need it. Therefore, do not rush or address two issues at the same time.

This is how the reading is carried out
Observe carefully the cards that will appear turned in front of you. Allow yourself a few moments to perceive its energy, since only one of them contains the answer you are looking for. Select it and analyze the specific message for each situation you ask.